
Doktor Featureless.

A man walked in, dressed in white, even more blankly than the lights and the walls. Grasshopper was stunned into speechlessness. This man, white robes, white mask, white boots, white laces, white gloves, and white goggles – of course, with stunningly white lenses – apprached slowly, as if calculating each step with care and thought into each steps risk and possible consequences, never taking it’s eyes…assumedly…off of Grasshopper.

A clockwork voice, seemingly only made by whirrs and faint whistles, asked if Grasshopper was still in pain.

Grasshopper didn’t respond. He didn’t know. Everything was so confusing. A second figure, dressed the same save for his red robe, stepped out from behind the first. He held in a white-gloved hand a small rod. He took it to Grasshoppers head, and Grasshopper felt a cold probe seemingly in his head. He responded immediately, as if told to or he would die,

‘I feel nothing.’

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