
Negatively Positive

As I’m driving home, finally out from the hospital, I feel a sudden surge of hope. Not knowing where that came from, I decide to ignore it. I don’t need all that positivity – I need to get my mind off of Alex, the most positive thing that has ever happened to me.

I turn onto my road, semi-hoping that I’ll get another hope surge. No! Stop! Stop thinking of Alex! There’s nothing you can do! I think as I pull into my driveway.

“Something good happen! This is getting ridiculous! Lord, stop sending me false hope urges if nothing is going to happen!” I yell to nobody inparticular as I storm into my house.

I look at the time – 10:30PM. Great. I still have to make dinner..

I decide to do something positive, since nothing seems to be happening on it’s own, so I make my favorite dish – Shepard’s Pie.

The timer dings, and I pull the dish out of the oven. How do mashed potatoes BURN ?! I grab a plate and sit down, just to get back up for a knock at the door.


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