
{First}Sequel: Prt 3: Toliver Makes Friends

Walking through Washington Square Park in Philadelphia one summer day, Toliver and I spotted some college kids studying by the fountain with their feet dangling in the water.

Of course Toliver approached them.

“Excuse me”, said Toliver in a haughty voice,”Can’t you read the sign, your not allowed in the water you know”.

An odd statement for him to make, as Toliver was not one to follow any rules.

“Who are you, the park police?”, the rail thin pale girl said sarcastically.

Never one to back down from a confrontation, invariably one in which he himself had started, Toliver said, “Maybe I am”.

For some reason they kept talking to us for over an hour about such topics as gun control (against) politics(conservative nazi), religion (athiest), abortion( for), death penalty (for), all the hot button issues they tell you to avoid, which Toliver didn’t.

“Are we on some hidden camera show?”, the chubby boy asked me. I just shrugged. That’s what people always thought when they listened to Toliver.

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