
What Happens When You're Stuck In a Cell With Nowhere to Go While Burning Liquid Slowly Creeps Toward You?

Fauxtes sniffed the air.

“Smell that?” he said, brows raised.

Dadaelee looked over at him.

“Smells…hot?” she tested, wiggling her nose.

Fauxtes nodded. Suddenly, the temperature started to increase. Dadaelee looked over at him strangely.

“Okay, what’s goin’ on here?” she asked, sweeping her eyes to and fro.

“Don’t know…” Fauxtes muttered. “Wait—what’s that?”

Dadaelee’s eyes widened until they seemed to be popping out of their sockets.

“Is that…?” she squeaked. “Is this one of the Marshall’s tricks?”

A red glow creeped into view, illuminating the dank stone and frying the air. It was too constant for fire, yet it had the same effect…

Fauxtes gasped. It wasn’t fire. It was lava that had seeped down through the mountain, the first eruptions of Infinite Peak. And it was possibly only a few minutes away.

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