{Genre Challenge: Sci-fi} The Woman of a Thousand Lives
I look like someone you know. Your sister, best friend, neighbor, or enemy. No matter where you live, I can almost guarantee that I look familiar. This is no accident.
They say everyone has a twin, but that’s not quite true. We all live multiple lives at one and the same time. I’m not certain how exactly, except that astral projection must play a part.
You’ve had that foggy, not-quite-there feeling? Because you weren’t. Your soul, essence, whatever, was somewhere else, doing something else. You just can’t remember, which is the main difference between us.
I don’t know why or how, but for some reason, I seem to be the only one who is distinctly aware of each of my lives.
It’s not a lonely existence, but it leads to confusion. I forget which name I am, how I know you, or if I know you in Boston, Atlanta, Hollywood, London, Dublin (Ireland), Soyo (Zaire), or one of the others.
I try very hard not to recall what the other versions of you have done to other versions of me.
But it is not easy.