oo la la…this sounds promising…i say that because i’m sure you’re going to sequel it, you always do…
Haha, oohh you know me toooo well.
Illegal alien? This is a curious story, I’d like to see what this becomes.
Brilliant. I absolutely fell in love with this. I’m looking forward to the sequel.
I Like how this story was in 1st person. cool how you switch it around and tel all sides of a stroy from diffrent perspectives. Its all very X-men, in that the Gov is out to get them before they even know what they are about, i like it.
Absolutely captivating.
dude serious man have u ever thought about writing a book
stupid government
awesome hook at the beginning! this should really be a book!
Fyora Cartagan
Laine the Grey
Alexa ♥
One Time, One Chance
band geek