The Puddle
Why do children find any water activity so fascinating? Even this murky puddle could yield a thousand possible ways to occupy. On this day it was different, I could not force myself to look in it. Normally, during the course of play I always caught a glimpse of myself, a rippling apparition, in betwwen the ripples.Something happened last night during the storm,the same rain that made this puddle. I stood by my bedroom window,counting the time between lighning strikes, and I saw Him. I dont know who he was, but I know him. Then before bed he was there again, looking at me from the glass sliding door. I tried to cry, whimper or call mommy but the sound never came out. He smiled at me though and showed me the palms of his hands. In one was a silver dollar, in the other a toy soldier. As I moved close to see more, he moved closer also. Then as my warm breath was against the glass, we almost seemed to touch, as if the cold shiny plate had dissolved and we stood nose to nose. I could see in his eyes, a reflection