
The Tests

Dahani leaned over the balcony to get a better view of the scene below. The five men were in battle stance, waiting for any attack.
The trainers went to the boys full force, trying them in all the areas they would need for battle. Dahani had always loved watching the final tests for the potential king’s soldiers.
They were the best of the best and all hoping for a chance to serve the king. At least, that’s what she always would make sure of. They were protecting her husband.
Dahani, Queen of Hestora, loved her husband. Amirti, she was convinced, was the best man a woman could ask for.
Her thoughts were broken by the rush of women to her side, obviously coming to watch the tests as she was.
But they came for another reason. The new possible captain was attractive and avaible. A supposedly looking for a bride.
She smiled as the women around her giggled and whispered about who he would choose.
Putting her attention back to the test, she was shocked at who the captain had his attention on.


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