
******100th ficlet Challange!******

Ok, so here’s the thing.
I finally made it to 100 ficlts and since it’s a tradition, I’m making a challenge.Now I tried this whole challenge thing once before(I don’t even remember why)and it chrashed and burned horribly.
This time I hope it doesn’t.
Now to get to the point.
I was sitting in a freezing cold room in a 3 inch tank top and capreeies, and an idea hit me.
A day in the life of a(n) _
1)Pencil sharpener
4)Knife (for the scary people, lol)
7)Pantry(food storage area…)
8)IM window
10)Pair of lips
It may be weird but it’s my challange.
So wala!
luv allwys,
H.H.(ps:I’m doing my party dance ‘cause Im so happy!)

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