
An Auschwitz Sensation

“Steph, this is the Auschwitz! You know, the one where over a million Jews were killed? The Holocaust? Helllooo?”

Steph stared grimly at the rough brickwork of the buildings beyond the fence. What would drive someone to such an extent to build a place like this? And just for the purpose of killing! She shivered.

Her friend Alex sighed. “Are you ever gonna listen?” she asked.

“No,” replied Steph.

Alex glared at her. “Very funny. Anyway, the guidebook says that Rudolf Hoss was commandant for a time….oh, whatever, this is useless. What are you looking for, anyway?”

“Not really looking for something…I don’t know.” Steph had felt a weird tingling around her. She had heard that when someone was talking about you, your nose would itch, or something to that effect. This feeling was similar…but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it.


Across the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Greenland, a desperate, inhuman cry for help echoed off the walls.

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