I’m horrible at school drama. I had so much of it in Middle School, I avoided it in High School. [by going to a private school, then a charter school where I only take college courses]
Im a product of Catholic school, so this sounds an interesting challenge,i’ll take the challenge even though it will dredge up memories repressed lol. do i sense a food fight… yankees dont say pop we say soda lol . guilty of saying youse guys,hey im philly born.
wow! in 1 day, more people have veiwed this story than all but 3 of my other ones (and those were written almost a full month ago)! this is moderately exciting (or maybe it’s just pathetic)!
i usually write school stories from the view of a popular girl, so I decided to write one for the view of a dorky-ish person. AH! it wasn’t easy =[ i guess that’s the point of challenges though, isn’t it?
Fyora Cartagan
Fyora Cartagan
THX 0477
Yeah Write!
One Time, One Chance
One Time, One Chance
One Time, One Chance