
No such thing as faeries?Yeah right.

There were borders everywhere.I just never noticed them untill I had created my own.My dividing of the two faerie courts was a shock to everyone(all of the faeries at least, no other person on ironside knew except for me of course).
Especially me.
Mostly because of the fact that no other mortal could ever divide and outline the boundries between themselves and them, muchlessdivide them between each other.
Who knew that by putting some random purple berries on the barbs of a strip of barbwire fence would outline the aincient (but mostly unacknowledged) boundaries between the two courts, and making it impossible to cross over anywhere other than 10 places around the entire world, and of corse that included the strip of barbwire in my back yard.
Of course they did.
And this was only a week ago.
And there’s so much more to tell.

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