I had to bring back Yoda and Lincoln from http://ficlets.com/stories/5363. Best pairing in history. They’d make a great buddy cop movie… Lincoln and Yoda. I mean, it just sounds right.
Yoda and Lincoln? Well, of course, why wasn’t it doesn’t sooner? It works way better than the Taft/Chewbacca pairing I’ve been working on. Yeah, that one may not happen.
I look forward to seeing where Mask By The Moon takes it from here. I thought everyone knew the Yoda/Lincoln pairing was merely an attempt by RKO to cash in on the popularity of Warners’ McKinley/Darth Maul “road” movies. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I recommend 1939’s Road To Tucumcari, in which a pre-Cat People Jane Randolph accidentally ends up on a boat with two hapless ex-vaudevillians (McKinley and Maul) on their way to New Mexico for a fresh start. Try to get the Criterion DVD .
This was awesome. The characterizations of Yoda and Lincoln are brilliant. How long were you talking in Yoda voice after you finished this? (And I think it should be Ficlets Challenge #11, by the way.)
Howie: I love Road to Tucumcari! Especially the hilarious bit at the end where Maul gets bisected! I saw it as a kid when the ‘rents and I vay-kayed on Bespin. That McKinley; underrated President, underrated comedic talent.
My favorite line from that movie was when McKinley had the cotton in his ears to keep the weevils out and shouted, “Tucumcari?! I thought you said ‘Two Come CARL ’!”
And let’s not forget that Maul’s rendition of “My Funny Valentine” (sung to Randolph during the gondola scene right before McKinley pops up and delivers the “Two Come CARL ” line) was the definitive version of that song until Ella Fitzgerald’s 1956 recording. As much as I love Sinatra and hate to say it, the Chairman’s version was just a pale retread of Maul’s interpretation: listen to them back to back if you don’t believe me.
they comerical with Lincoln and a gopher, they should replace the gohper with Yoda. I was gonna write a ficlet abour Coolidge and R2D2 , but that would be dull.
Kevin Lawver
THX 0477
Howie Amourscow
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Kevin Lawver
Howie Amourscow
Kevin Lawver