

I looked at the daises and got angry at Ty all over again. The jerk does not even know that I hate daises. Maybe some frumpy, frigid, spandex wearing house mother likes daises, but when you’re in the league of Lindsey, Paris, and Britney, you deserve more than some flowers picked from the side of the road.

I thought about the videoptape and got angry all over again. Teddy and I had been seeing each other for some time, and he was good in bed. And Mitch is oh-so-hot. Its too bad Ty did not know they were in the closet (even though they are his best friends), because I would have asked them to join us.

I really want to see that videotape too to see how hot I was. I should call Teddy, and, maybe Mitch too, so we could have a “private viewing.” That reminds me that I was watching a pretty hot amateur porn video on youtube, and the bedroom in the video looked a lot like my bedroom, and the guy looked a lot like Ty, and the girl a lot like me. What are the chances of that? It’s a small world.

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