
Rammula's Mirror [monologues challenge]

“ARGHHHH!” I scream in outrage. Ever since that fateful day when that little witch Rammula locked my soul into this mirror i have been trying to find a way out. So far, nothing has worked. I get to watch everyone living their meaningless lives while i rot in this godforsaken contraption! Who said mirrors were harmless?
I’m starting to go crazy in here! I scream and yell and kick and punch the walls, so tight around me they’d make God claustrophobic! I stop, exhausted and my chest heaves up and down with anger. I look out, there is a woman who looks a bit like i used to, maybe a little prettier, fixing her hair. This is it, this is my chance to get out. I search deep down for perhaps one spell i haven’t tried yet and begin to chant.
Rama haken o ni she lat, rama haken o ni she lat…
I look down at myself, my skin is tanner, my hair-smoother. I can stretch my arms out all around me; i’m a captive no longer! I look back at my reflection- there’s the woman who was fixing her hair- the mirror’s new captive.

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