
uselessness's DESPERATE MONOLOGUES Challenge!

It seems like only last week that I was hosting my first Ficlets challenge. Oh wait, it was last week. How quickly the time races by; one minute you’re trying on a new pair of shoes, and the next you’re replacing the insoles and spraying them down with a can of strong disinfectant. Yeesh!

For the record, my SHOCKING DIALOGUES challenge was meant to be the one that occurs at Ficlet #50, but I was kind of running late and it ended up being #85 instead. Sue me.

Numerical foibles aside, I’ve had a very prolific week and I’m proud to announce that #100 has arrived at long last. It’s time for another challenge!

This time around, your task is to put us (that is, your readers) in the head of a captive. The last challenge was for dialogues; this one is for internal monologues.

You’ll be creating a character who is trapped somewhere. The story should be told in first-person perspective, and consist only of the character’s thoughts.

I’ll judge entries on December 17. Remember, spelling and grammar count!

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