
Cruel Punishment

- Carlene -
“Dad!” I said shocked as my father emerged into the cave, his large black body filled the entry way, barely fitting.

“Carlene?” My father asked, turning human and walking toward me, he looked very angry. Quicker than I was prepared for he had me shoved up against the wall, his hand clutched my throat.

“Daddy..I.” My talking stopped their as breathing became impossible. “Can’t..breath.” Things started to darken and then total blackness.

When I woke I was sitting in my bed, metal restraints held me in place, I fought violently. “She’s awake!” Samuel yelled, motioning for my mom to come in.

“Your father didn’t hurt you badly, did he?” My mother asked, for the first time in my life I heard worry in her voice.

I coughed slightly, “I don’t think so.” I answered, my throat burned. Everything was strange colors, it worried me and again I fought violently with the restraints.

“Carefull love.” Samuel said sitting on the bed again and locking my hands down with his. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

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