What was that—oh, wait, it was the voices of millions in one chorus….”CAAARRRR-meellll….” ah, “caarrr-meell.” Ah, so refreshing…Car-mel…. ~ BTW , there’s something seriously wrong with this ficlet other than that. Guess. No, it’s not that I’m not a devious little boy, I am. No, it’s not that I don’t like your title, I thought it was hilarious…go on, guess.
It has ME as second place! Since when? And well, twelve years, I’ve won a fair share of stuff, but this is definitely not the first thing. Oh, that sounded stuck-up, didn’t it? I hate stuck-up people.
oh gee! i should’ve known! i agree about the whole stuck up issue! i know this guy online who is so stuck up that he can’t accept that his pronunciation of the word caramel is incorrect! nananabooboo!
I think it was Stovo playing at being horribly conceited and vain, the one thing wrong being that he was second place and not first. And the whole caramel pronunciation thing must be an inside joke or ongoing feud or something. Personally, I pronounce it ramalamadingdong, just to throw people.
Yeah Write!
Yeah Write!
THX 0477
One Time, One Chance