
Dear Gossip Girl: Good Advice for those who need it

Dear Gossip Girl: My eyes are blurry from being on till 2 am every night, I’m addicted, what can I do to stop writing into the wee small hours of the night?

To FicletAddicted: You’re only on till 2 am, my goodness, there’s more hours of the day you could be writing, don’t you want to surpass the infamous Stovohobo and join the over 200 ficlets club? My advice, sleep is over rated. Don’t waste time writing silly advice columnists, get back on ficlets pronto!

To Gossip Girl: people make fun of me becuse i’m a pore speler, what should I do?
-Pore Speler

Dear Pore Speler: Buy a dictionary.

Dear Gossip Girl: I don’t get enough sleep at night, which class should I sleep through, math ,science or history?
-Sleepless in Philadelphia

To Sleepless: History, it repeats itself.

Dear Gossip Girl: Why do you give such bad advice?

To Adviceseeker: Because people never follow good advice. Here’s some good advice, write Dear Abby or her twin Ann Landers.

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