
80 ficlet challenge

Ok, so I’m at 80 ficlets so I figured I’d make a challenge.We all write in our profiles that we want comments.We all love getting comments,some of us smile,and some of us roll around on the floor and bark like a dog.Whatever you do when you get a comment, it’s typically because you’re happy. So let’s practice what we preach.For the rest of the week(at the very least)YOU MUST comment on every single ficlet you read, whether it sucks or it blows you away so much you don’t know what to say(which, incidentally, is something you could say)For some of you, this may be easy, others it may be hard, but let’s just get some comments out there ok?
If you participate in this challenge, you must do the above.
Description challenge:
Write a ficlet with either a lot of descriptions, or one really long in depth description of a person, place, thing, idea,or quality, feeling, whatever.
Funny story:
Self explanatory
Dream Challenge:
Try to remember that really weird dream or nightmare you had recently and write it down.

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