I like it, a philosophical approach to immortality, more thoughtful and less violent. Nicely done dialog as well; the formal tone fits two people who’ve been around a long time and are now sanguinely considering life as they know it. LoA
wow, bravo. I really appreciated your little piece. As a person who looks at life as one big adventure, I love that you brought to light the fear of pain that tends to drive and limit most people’s everyday life.
soounds like a counseling session.. not that I’d know for sure.. love the dialogue, the one sounds learned and Dr ish, the other in need of talking about life issues. well done.
wow. I liked this. it really made me think. Like isnt there a quote out there thats like its better to have a lived ur life then went ur life unlived? Its something like that. But anyway great ficlet!
So, I sent this to one of my friends, told him this is exactly what’s wrong with us, and he said, “wow, read something a little less deep,” probably because it was about 12:30 at night. Regardless, we both loved it.
Why are we not drunk on a rooftop tonight This is always a good question to ask. Why am I not, right now, drunk on some rooftop? Sounds lovely. ~ I liked the piece, but I was hoping someone would add to it – this really makes me wonder about the characters (like how/why are they immortal).
So, this a sort of semi-indestructibility immortality…
I would have guessed they had become uploaded minds in either android bodies or a virtualized world… But if it were the former, I doubt they could get drunk… and if it were the latter I doubt they’d be having this conversation.
Could be cyborgs. The at-least-modernish implied setting (reference: “dorm roof”) and the semiawkward style of conversation seem to imply this over, say, magic, but not exclusively. Vampirism is a viable alternative.
THX 0477
Algai 'd' Aman
Saint Chuck
emma jo_234
flute faerie
.:band baby:.
Autumn Night
Beautiful Rain
Yeah Write!
Alexa ♥
White Hat
User 7961
emma jo_234
Great Ach
Great Ach
Asher Crow