Well, if you were talking about if you were an actual whore…I don’t think Jack the Ripper would be the safest bet if you wanted to live to whore another day…
I agree with THX: What a horrible train of thought…but intriguing. It’s odd how we tend to reveal more and more of ourselves, ficlet by ficlet. But is the revelation of the ficleteers personality just another fiction? Is Fyora Cartaganreally an undercover superfreak with a thing for history and a death-wish? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Also, about Adam. I have it on good authority that the reason Eve was more interested in talking serpents and Lilith decided she would have more fun seducing angels is ‘cause Adam took his job of tending to the beasts of the earth too far, if you catch my drift.
Batak Beatrix
Fyora Cartagan
THX 0477
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Fyora Cartagan
Alexa ♥