
High Tide

Adaime stood in the doorway to the bedroom. In the darkness, she could just faintly see Steve’s chest rhythmically rising and falling. She walked quietly to the bed and layed down beside him.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered. “We’ve got the Appalachians to the east, and the Rockies to the west. We’re safe.”

“Half of Texas is going to be underwater during high tide tonight…” she mumbled, “and they don’t even know yet.”

“There’s nothing you can do, Adaime. New York didn’t believe you, DC didn’t believe you -“

”- And now they’re both gone,” she interrupted. “Gone…Washed away…Flooded by that damn meteor’s high tide.” She nearly got out of bed in anger, but Steve’s arms held her back.

“You need to rest, Adaime. There’s nothing you can do for them, you’ve already done everything you could. Now we just look out for us.”

”...I know.” she relaxed in his embrace.

He kissed the back of her neck, his face buried in her long, soft hair. “Get some sleep, love.”

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