
Finishing the Battle

With that, Faulkner took a death charge from his belt, activated it, and made a mad dash to the mother ship. He jumped, and landed in the fleshy mass just as the death charge exploded with a loud thundering BOOM !
The organic mother ship crumpled and shriveled into a flabby mass of tissue that bubbled and oozed green blood. The Arvians around me had been stunned by the explosion, and were retreating toward the mother ship. I took atvantage of the momentary seize fire by running madly back to what was left of Red Base 9.
Just as I reached the half-destroyed hangar, the arvians started pouring in again, this time in larger numbers.
I saw Ashley raring to take off in a transport ship with 8 surviving members of my team. I ran up the loading ramp and into the cockpit where Ashley sat at the controls.
“GO!!” I yelled frantically as i watched the swarm grow ever closer to us. We made it out of the hangar justin time to see it overtaken by the Arvians.

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