LOL !!! I dont think thats ever happened to me though
LOL Hilarious! Funniest six words ever!
well thanks. i guess its not as funny when it actually happens.
LOL That was really good. I loved the title, especially. This is my favorite one thus far. I hope you win.LoA
thats one relaxing bubblebath. or drunken stupor??
haha, and i was going to use a different set of six words, but this seemed appropriate.
Awesome, and the title sets it up perfectly. Well done.LoA
definitely a great story…
hahaha—that’s funny on multiple levels.
I think this one deserves some sequels. How did you end up in the bathtub? Do you still have both kidneys? What happened after you woke up?
“Do you still have both kidneys?” Haha…this is funny.
its not supposed to be funny though is it? i thought it was powerful in one way….it kind of reminds you of Psyco. One story i would love to find more about!
Wow. Either it’s really funny or really serious. For both prequels, I see hevey use of that liver.
Kidney, sorry. Kinda early for me
This happened to me once. It was a rough next morning.
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