
Too Late

It was now the time Hannah goes to bed, 10:00. Her friend Amy was getting suspicious about all those bruises on her arms. Lying to her parents saying that she was on a date with her boyfriend, Alex, she really was spying on Hannah and her brother, Tony. His bed time was 11:00 about the time Hannah is already asleep. It’s 10:55 and Hannah is sleeping Amy sees someone’s silhouette someone’s like Tony’s. It was Tony. And there was someone with him, his friend, Michael. Michael and Tony, as the leaders of the Bang Gang were slashing Hannah with their belts. The first few times she is awake then she gets knocked unconcious not being able to remember the next day. Still having more and more and more bruises as the days go along. But finally Amy as Tony and Michael were still hitting her for probably another 5 minutes calls the cops and comes within the next 7 minutes considering they were neighbors with the police station. Too late.

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