WTH ….Whatever I haven’t told any of your F’n secrets and if you tell mine I ‘ll tell all of yours. So if both of us keep our mouths shut then we can both go on with our lives seperately. So whatevs I dont care. I thought we had a plan!!!! If you still feel that way I dont have to play pretend any more! Forget it plan done!!! I dont want any part in your general hypocrisy. Leave me alone Forever!!!!
Lol! Very good, I don’t get all of the comments. If you to people are in a fight, please keep it out of Ficlets and actualy talk to each other, if that is possible. Just writing about each other or gossiping or just plan hating them doesn’t solve anything. Trust me I know, I have been in this to many times to count.
thank you blesparrow. i have been trying to get that point across for so long. origionally i came to this site just to be away from all of the drama but somehow everybody that i had a problem with found the site and now all that happens are harsh stories going back and forth and totaly horrible comments. but thanks.
Lena, if people are bothering you on ficlets, please let me know. This is supposed to be a safe place to express yourself. If that’s not possible here, then something’s wrong. Please send me story examples (the id number works – that’s the last part of the http:// thing up there), and I’ll see what I can do.
looking back at some of the stuff that was said i agree with the people on this site… this fighting was disgraceful and just dumb… im gonna save whatever I ahve to say for in person and looking at your poem its pretty good. oh and Kevin Lawver she wasnt the one getting hated on through storys, that was me and thats exactly what she was doing with this story…but we are cool so it doesnt matter any way.
sorry. obviously i don’t know the whole story, but i hope whatever happened clears up. in the future, though, please do not fight through ficlets. this is a nice site for creative expressions. Not angry ones. :(
disregarding any real-life similarities, i’d say the poem is very good.
and courtney (band geek of awesomeness), hypocrisy means saying one thing and doing the opposite (like saying “I hate puppies” then buying one.)
That is pretty pathetic guys Tad is right. THe story was good, I am sorry but it does’t desserve most popular when people like me or Tad work and are happy to just make it on the list…. You are supposed to earn it. LoA
Who commented on who’s stuff??? Lena didn’t, she answers comments and this ficlets is good which is why it should be in the most popular, Lena didn’t ask for this fight she actully didn’t even want in to happen.
She answers way to much and we are talking about he just about blank comments just to get most popular. I does look like a deliberate attmept to have me comments, she wanted to talk to those people she could of noted them.
if you have such a big problem stop replying to the comments. this was not intentional. i wasnt even sure how stories got into the most popular and most active. i have been on this site for quite a while and still hardly know anything about it. so before you leave comments like that why dont you “note the person” in your words. instead of rambling on about how i dont deserve this when i had no idea what was going on.
awww Lena.. I know exactly how you feel, online drama sucks big time. I liked your poem? I don’t have a clue what its about.. i was just curious to see what all the buzz was about.. I mean this has been on here for quite a while. Most of the ppl on here are incredible. Don’t let the gossip and the drama get you down.. just remember, this too shall pass.
The poem… isn’t great, and it’s really shallow to come to Ficlets and write poems that are offensive to other writers (which it’s pretty obvious this was). I do agree with Tad, writing something spiteful and angry is NOT what Ficlets is about, at least not if you’re going to be so explicit about it. It was mean-spirited, and does not deserve its spot on most popular, sorry.
I liked your poem. I decided to check it out because it has been on the Most Active and Most Popular for a long time. Many people have checked this poem out, since two months and i lthink it does deserve a place on the most popular and active. Online and real life drama does suck. But Im glad your real life stuff is cleared up. I also think that if she wants to vent that’s fine, as long as it is in a writing form. Maybe not about other people per say. But whatever, that is in the past! =) Nice poem!!!!!!
ok just to clear this up this was not wrote because of any fight or to bash anybody it was just poasted at a bad time. i apologise to anybody that thought otherwise. just clearing that up. and thanks to those who left comments that they liked it.
I found it quite good, actually. I really don’t know or need to know what the cause of this was, because it isn’t necessary. Judge the Ficlet itself, not what brought it into being.
seriously. I agree with Hunting Beauty. This was really good. And I think it deserves its place on the Most Popular and Most Active. Its really good. I’ve had to deal with this comment crap too. It sucks. Glad you had it all work out though. I love your stuff. Ignore mean people. KEEEEEPWRITINGGG :]
seriously. I agree with Hunting Beauty. This was really good. And I think it deserves its place on the Most Popular and Most Active. Its really good. I’ve had to deal with this comment crap too. It sucks. Glad you had it all work out though. I love your stuff. Ignore mean people. KEEEEEPWRITINGGG :]
Wow, it took me like 10 minutes just to read through all these comments! lol Yeah so I haven’t been on ficlets in a really long time, so maybe I’ve forgotten some stuff, but I thought this was a really good poem. I don’t think it deserves all this bashing, I don’t think Lena was doing all of this just to get on the most active and most popular list. And I don’t really think there is anything wrong with writing your anger out, I like to do that, it is a much better alternative than other options.
i really liked the poem, it was nice and had a lot of meaning and emotion. then came the comments. which were quite honestly not your fault in the slightest. you didn’t ask those people to join ficlets, or to view your work, but they did and ur getting the blame for it and i don’t think that’s fair. this is a very good piece of work, and the comment fight was just an unfortunate happening and should not tamper with the feeling the reader gets from this poem. =]
I am so sorry for what happened! I have no clue what happened but I can relate. Sour friendships can hurt, indeed. I think this was a great poem and a wonderful way to vent your feelings. Keep writing!
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Kevin Lawver
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