

“Yeah, you remember? You lived next-door to me…” “JENNY!” he shouted, giving me a soft hug. Brady faked a gag and Seth ruffled his hair. “Wow, it’s been AGES .” I nodded. “It has. How have you been?” “Good, good. Gosh, I can’t believe this! What are the odds?” I laughed, not caring about the odds at all; I was just happy that he was actually standing in front of me again.
“How are your parents?” I looked down at my hands and then back into his green eyes. “They passed away a few years ago. Mom was first, then dad followed suit.” “I am SO sorry to hear that Jen. My dad passed away just last year,” “Oh Seth, sorry to hear that.” I didn’t want to ask about his mother, she was the cause of my pain and the loss of my best friend, but I knew it would be proper considering our conversation. “And your mother?” “Oh, she’s doing well, never remarried after the divorce though.” “Oh, well that’s good… I mean, that she’s doing well…” he smiled at me as I blushed, secretly happy she was alone, and he knew it.

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