I wish I knew The Princess Bride well enough to join in, but I haven’t seen that movie in years. Of course, I’m going to remember your series as the real ending from now on.
“If I were an imbecile, I would ask you about that. But I am clearly not an imbecile, and we have a castle to raid. So in the interest of time, and in accordance with my uncanny powers of judgment, let’s get down there, shall we?â?
I LOVED that part. Love is too weak a word, in fact. It is so Vizzini, that it’s, well, uncanny. You’re doing a great job writing an alternate ending to a beloved film, which is no small feat. (But I’m still waiting for Westley to pop back into the picture!) LoA
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
♠Ana Cristina♥