

If I were able to move, I would have jumped from the bang that rebounded off the walls of my shelf. All of the sudden, I was ripped from my shelf, my drawer sped off the shelf and stopped jarringly, leaving me to uncomfortably bask in the sudden burst of florescence.

The barrel of a gun was pointed in my face.

I’ve seen one of those before.|.erofeb esoht fo eno nees ev’I

“Your mind has been altered too much. You are a danger to the world.” Dr. Wilhow said quietly.

I heard the gun cock.

“No!” I said.

All of the sudden, the straps that were restraining me snapped apart.

“No!” I repeated.

I rose into the air unsuspended.

“You mind has been altered to a dangerous point. You are putting us all in danger!”

“No!!” I yelled.

I felt an upsurge of power, and an explosion, from me.

Everything was white, now. I was standing now, and a black ball was heading towards me.

“No! | !oN” I cried.

I felt a wave of cold as it passed through me.

I wasn’t going to live.



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