
Honorable Intentions

“You’re an idiot.”

“Stupid is as stupid does, as a very wise man once said.”

“No, no…I mean only you would try to rob a police station.”

“Oh, Lieutenant, you have me misunderstood. Anybody can just walk in with a ski mask, surgical gloves, all black clothing, and a doggy bag with perfectly honorable intention.”

“Such as?”

“…That’s beside the point. Listen, sweet, I’ve really got to go, now, I’ve got some…conference calls I’ve got to get to, and – “

“Oh, just shut it before my eardrums commit suicide. You’re under arrest, David R. Helm.”

“You have a warrant?”

“You have a reason why I shouldn’t?”

“Innocent until proven guilty, ma’am, innocent until proven guilty.”

“That only holds up in the courts. Which is where you go after I arrest you.”

“Oh, love, you do have such a way of putting things…you should really try to work on that.”

“Stop right there – “

“No, by all means – I’m tracking in mud. Adieu, Ms. Warren, adieu.”

She burst after him, but he had already vanished through the window.

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