
The Ex Strikes Back

“Well, I wouldn’t say great. I would say… surprising,” Lilly said.
“Well, that was better than I expected,” Patrick mumbled.
“Anyways,” Brian said “Who’s ready for prom!”
Everyone cheered.
“This is gonna be the best prom ever,” Patrick said, eyeing Lilly.
“Yes, it will be,” Brian said, glaring at Patrick.
“Well personally, I can’t wait to get on the dance floor!” one of Brian’s friends said, breaking the ice.
With that,everybody started practicing their dance moves in the car. Thankfully, they got to the prom before it could get too embarassing. When they pulled into the parking lot, Brian held open the door for Lilly, and they walked in linking arms.
“This,” Lilly thought, “is going to be the best prom ever”

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