
Me and JB 71

I sat in my room. The sheet of music in one hand, my acoustic guitar in the other.
“How am I ever going to re-learn guitar by next week?” I mumbled to myself. I got up from my bed and went over to my bookcase. I skimmed through all my books. Finally, I reached my old “How to Teach Yourself Guitar” book. It was old and ripped but worked like a charm. In no time, I was playing the guitar like a pro. I was technically a pro before we moved here to California a few years ago, I thought my life was ruined. But, it turned out I made some of the best friends I ever would. I practiced “Hold On” for hours until I had it down almost as much has Nick or Kevin would.
“Yes!” I said. I had it down. I was ready with five days to spare. I forgot how much I loved the guitar and devoted at least an hour a day to playing. It was going to rock! Then, I remembered. I also had to sing back up vocals. I hadn’t sang in a long time. I knew I had a voice but was it any good? Great, I was going to ruin a Jonas Brothers concert.

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