
Alex in Wonderland - Part 22

“Come in Mock Turtle.”

“Sir.” Agent Johnson walked into the Director’s office and placed a plastic sleeve containing 3 one dollar bills on his desk.

“Hmmm, 2003, interesting.” The Director replied studying the money. It really didn’t look much different from today’s bills. “That’s the furthest out we’ve had a visitor from yet. Situation?”

“White Rabbit’s got the Red Queen, we have a cleaning crew in place, and the quarry is trapped in the Rabbit Hole. We’re close to having this contained.”

“Excellent work Johnson.”

“Who’d have thought a scientist’s lunch habits could make such a mess?”

“Funny huh? A little Agent X on his hands combined with red salsa, hand soap, cleaning agent on the door to the restrooms. Timed just right with a solar flare and BAM instant time portal.”

“Did they ever figure out where he ended up?”

“No, we think the future, somewhere. Get another junior agent in the Casa stat, looks like we could have a busy week.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Mad Hatter to Cheshire Cat, come in Cheshire Cat.”

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