
If That's the Way It's Gonna Be: Part 5

This was it. Was he going to ask me out? Could this possibly be happening to me? His mouth opened but then quickly shut. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t think strait.
“So, do you want to go to the movie with me on Saturday night?” Oh dear god. This was happening. I couldn’t believe it!
“Yes!” I said. I must of been beat red.
“Cool,” he said as he got up and left. This was my fairytale! I glanced over my shoulder and watched Jake walk away. Then, I spotted Maria. She was standing in the far left right cornor. Oh gosh. She did hear the whole entire conversation? She was going to be mad out of her mind. She might not even be friends with me! What was she going to think? I got up from the lunch table and headed for the building. she was right there, and she was going to sock me.
“Hi,” she said plainly as I reached the door. She pulled me over.
“Hi?” I said. What next?
“How could you do this to me?”
“Do what?”
“Steal my boyfriend!”
“He’s not your boyfriend!” Maria turned away and left.

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