
An Impossible Room (Unconventional Zen Master Challenge)

Todd cautiously took the first step, peering into the black ahead. This is a bad idea, he thought to himself forcing his left leg to find the second step.

Fits of laughter erupted from behind him. He turned around to flip his friend the finger, only to see more darkness. Suddenly, the entire stairwell was devoid of light.

Beads of sweat formed on Todd’s brow as he started to run back into the darkness hoping to find the door through the black. He stumbled trying to go down stairs that were no longer there. His foot, expecting the floor to be further down, hit the ground prematurely. He ran in an odd circle on the newly flattened ground.

“Brent?â€? Todd’s voice echoed through infinity. “Hello? Hello?â€? His voice cracked as the words became more and more frantic. “Hello? Help!â€?

“Dude. No need to scream.â€? An unfamiliar voice called at him from the darkness.

Light slowly filled the enormous room, revealing bamboo floors that extended beyond the horizon in all directions. What the hell? How is this possible?

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