Morning realization (Unexpected Twist Challenge)
Monica wakes up each morning at 8:00. This is when she separates herself from her dreams. It’s at this time that she mentally clears the cobwebs from her head.
For the past few weeks, she hasn’t been feeling like herself. She notices that every morning she wakes up still tired no matter how well she slept the night before.
The hysterecetomy had been months ago, she shouldn’t still be tired from that.
She notices that lately her jeans have been feeling a bit tight. She finds it strange because she never gains any significant amount of weight. She hasn’t been eating any more than usual. Probably just stress,she thinks.
But this morning seems different. She has woken up with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She feels sick. For the most part she has been feeling fine. She races to the toilet to vomit.
She finds an old pregnancy kit. She waits and watches as the color turns to blue. She panics, with realization. Could I be… am I.. pregnant?