Land of Confusion: Codename You're Unbelievable
Joshua closed his eyes as he lay back on the couch. Eve was putting pillows under his head, “Are you comfortable?” She said quietly.
Isaac was kneeling on the floor still looking into Josh’s face, “Dude, what happened? Maggie says you’ve been missing for days.”
Eve paused as she’d turned to retrieve an afghan to shoot Isaac a scowl but curiosity overruled her pride and she looked at Josh to hear his answer.
Josh took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I went,” he breathed again, “for a walk.” A shiver ran through his body before he struggled to sit up.
Eve’s brow shot up. Isaac’s brow knitted in a deep frown. “You did what?” They exclaimed in unison.
Josh opened one eye, “Went for a walk?” He said sheepishly.
“I cannot believe this.” Eve turned on her heel and headed into the kitchen, again.
Isaac pushed Josh to move over, “You reek, dude,” he said disgustedly as he flung himself on the couch.
Eve stormed back out of the kitchen, “Just so you know, Joshua, Maggie is on her way here.”