
Me and JB 137 ~New Years~

“Joe, are you serious?” I asked. My jaw was literally dropping. He was miserable without me?
“Yeah, he doesn’t even feel like preforming tonight!”
“Really? Seriously?”
“Yes! Now, will you just get back on the phone and make up?”
I sat there frozen, un-able to speak. I knew I loved Nick but why wouldn’t I just make up with him.
“Jess?” said Joe. “We have to go on stage in a minute, please, just tell him you love him, come on!” I still sat there. Frozen, not saying a word. One half of me wanted to say sorry and go all the way back to New York so I could jump back into his arms. But, the other half of me wanted to escape. Who knew what would happen in the future. Nothing was going right now, why should I take any chances for tomorrow? This was all up to me. I could be on my way to NYC right now. I could just stay here with Katie, single? What? This was all so confusing.
“Jess, we have to go preform. I’ll call you later, bye.” said Joe. Then, the line went completely dead.

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