
Colorado part 3: Buzzkill


Despite the fact that I was sitting next to two pre-pubescent boys for almost over eight hours a day, the drive went by somewhat quicker than I imagined it would have. This was mostly because I slept most of the first day.

The second day, though, I was too excited to see Kacie that night. We were about two hours away from Steamboat Springs when I thought to text message her.

Me: hey i am 2 hours away… when r u getting there?
Kacie: i am not getting there until 2morrow

Well, that was a buzzkill, I thought silently to myself.
I sighed and sat back again in the seat of the RV and tried to get myself to fall asleep again.

Suddenly, though, my phone started to ring. I had a text message, but not from Kacie. It was from my friend, Michael, from back home.

All it said was hey, what’s up? The classic conversation starter also known as the second buzzkill of the minute.
I wanted a real conversation.

So I tossed my phone back into my bag and closed my eyes…

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