
Twisted Results

First off, I want to thank everyone for entering. There were 33 entries to this, and it was much more successful than I ever could have hoped. I think the big reason for that is that we had so many awesome twists, from some great ficleteers. Honestly, thank you all so much for entering, I really enjoyed this challenge.

However, all those great entries have left me with the difficult task of trying to hand out a few awards. To those who don’t win, please note that I enjoyed every single entry, but I said I would judge these so now I have to. On with it:

In the Mature category:
Runner-up: What I Learned That Summer by Krulltar – Quite deep, and definitely worth a read.

Winner: Everybody’s Envy by Browncoatben – A great example of writing, and fantastic twist.

Humor category:
Runner-up: Ring by PyroPunk – One of the funniest entries
Runner-up: Hitman by JMSquire – Great, funny twist.

Winner: That Bastitch Dr. Seuss by THX _0477 – Yes he wins a lot, but this was the most creative entry into the challenge.

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