I can’t believe this. As if the sweet Mistress Elsha Hawk would ever be responsible for something like this. But I guess that’s what makes it so funny.
I don’t know if this was supposed to make me laugh or I just have a very twisted sense of humor but this cracks me up. Of course I’m utterly devasted that (from what I gathered) the League turned on itself and members started giving up other members but I really like how you portrayed it all. The dialouges great and so are the descriptions. Great job!
ok sorry john but ego must give way to fiction, and penguincaptain thanks for figuring it all out. I am on a trip right now and my wife usually reads my stuff and says doesnt make sense enuff times till it does lol
Reading this ficlet brought out my raw emotional rage, and made me want to punch my monitor. I imagine a sequel going something like this: killing Awesomers makes Krulltar angry. you no like Krulltar when he angry â?Stevehobo put up more of a fight than Mighty-Joe, but i got em.â? Krulltar angry!! “THEY KILLEDJOHNPERKINS â? Krulltar smash! Krulltar smash everything (btw, I’m now calling you guys Awesomers)
That was hilarious and utterly chaotic. Strange enough, my favorite bit of writing on this page was: you are a type of twisted i can really get behind Krulltar. That cracked me up. And, yeah, it’s hilarious that you spent all that energy getting John Perkins canonized and now you kill him off. What a dirty shame.
This is freakin’ hilarious. Difficult to follow, but well worth the effort to try. And I don’t feel bad for being killed off. It kind of knocks me back down a peg after all the undue hub-bub from the petition. A quick dose of humility is good for the spirit. One of the funniest things I’ve read here in a long time. And I’ve read some of my stuff recently, so that’s saying something.
No, no, I really don’t think your allowed to kill John Perkins. He wouldn’t be able to write any more and that’s sooo not a possibility I’m willing to think about.
For some reason reading this during the wee hours of the morning, seems to help it make sense. I like it. Maybe John Perkins isn’t dead, but faked his death, to avoid peril.
.:band baby:.
Mask By The Moon
♠Ana Cristina♥
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mighty-Joe Young
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Mighty-Joe Young
paper flowers
Mighty-Joe Young
John Perkins
Mistress Elsha Hawk
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)
Lone Writer
S. Lynn
Master Em