It reminded me more of some information that came out after heath ledger’s death. Apparently, his role of the psychopathic, schizophrenic clown Joker in the Dark Knight movie spiraled him into sleepless nights, which was made worse by his herion addiction.
Ah, Krulltar beat me to the bit about Heath Ledger, it reminded me of the same. Apparently, it is possible to get sort of lost in your character. (And Heath was never addicted to heroin, but he was on quite a few prescriptions for the anxiety and insomnia). Anyways, This was a good read. It would be kind of cool to see from his point of view how he started getting stuck “in character” and the things that it did to him.
Ah, Krulltar and [ wall.doll ] beat me to the bit about Heath Ledger. But anyways, really cool idea and execution. I like how he only gets his therapy in the dark.
ok krully and wall doll look i think this falls into the ctegory of ‘everybody is upset that whitney houston is on crack but nobody cares that sade was on the tonight show so loaded on mexican black tar heroin that she had lipstick on her teeth’ IT IS BECAUSESHEDOENTSUCK . Not that Heath ledger sucks i am sure all the people who sold their soul to the devil in the pale moon light at the cross roads to be good in just one movie were already good. NOT . Oh yeah i gotta read this story huh? just needlin ya…
also Sade was pretty much smacked 2 christ her entire career and functioned pretty well, except for the lipstick, and that was actually on SNL i’ll never forget it , it during both performances, the lipstick was a bright coral , and i never hear smooth operator w/o thinking about it…it’s alot like Robert DowneyJr.,this cat was totally functional he was always a proffessional on set , but when ya boy cut loose -HE CUTLOOSE -and ended up arrested – which is pretty much the end of the weekend
also i think the shrink is in need of a question mark after sometimes-that is a question right , that’s what shrinks do ,turn your words around in the form of a question? -see like that , i don’t think it was a confirmation , as such
Mask By The Moon
One Time, One Chance
M.Paul Regret
.:band baby:.
[ wall.doll ]
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Ben Paddon
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