
Land of Confusion: Codename Walking on Air

Isaac and Eve waited for Josh’s reaction before either of them made a move.

Eve squeezed her phone to the point that she felt it would snap into pieces before she released the pressure. Finally, Josh pursed his lips, ran his tongue across his teeth and clicked his tongue in a quick clicking noise. Isaac briefly wondered if that was a warning that Josh was about to go off like a bomb.

“Well,” Josh announced, “I guess that’s that.” He clapped his hands together once and stood up, stretching his arms. “Eve, do I still have clothes here, or have you thrown them out?”

“Uh, they’re still in the back bedroom,” she cut her eyes to Isaac who was looking as dumbstruck as she was.

“Cool.” He ruffled her hair as he rounded the couch, “I really need a shower,” he laughed.

Isaac’s mouth was hanging open as Josh disappeared into the hallway. Eve blinked dramatically, “What. The. Hell. Just. Happened.”

Josh was back before Isaac could even shrug, “Got any scissors? I think I need a haircut too.”

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