
What's Her Face?: Part 2

I laid in bed and starred at the ceiling. This was the last night I would spend at my house. Tomorrow was going to be a new day and a bad one at that. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked over at a picture on my nightstand. It was Chelsea, Leah, Maddie, and I. We all met in Kindergarten and were best friends since then. Now that I was going to Middleton Academy I was going to have to leave them behind. I knew I was going to be meeting new people but, they were my soul sisters.
I glanced at my alarm clock. 2:30 AM, already? I hadn’t gotten any sleep. I tried closing my eyes but my head hurt and I had a feeling of emptiness in my stomach. I was leaving later on this morning and there was no putting a stop to it.
I got up from my bed and went over to my computer. Hey, maybe Jake the hot, seventeen year old from Canada was still on. But who thought Canadian boys on Myspace were cute, anyway?

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