
Superhero Obituary: Dharma Dies in Tragic Biting

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring the sad news that Superhero, Dharma, has just passed away in a terrible accident,” the anchor woman announces, her right brow hiked half-way up her forehead, probably the result of a botox injection.

“That’s right Jeanie, I am here on the scene with Destiny who was eye witness when the tragedy unfolded,” camera widens to include a disheleved Amazonian blonde, “Destiny, tell our viewers what you saw.”

“Well,” she attempts to arrange her hair, “It all started simple enough, Karma noticed that Dharma had on a pair of her jeans.”

“Whose jeans?” The anchor added quickly.

“Um, Karma’s jeans. Anyway, the argument got ugly real quick,” Destiny sobbed.

Camera sweeps back to the anchor, “Hospital spokesman, Farnsby, states that the outcome was to be expected.”

A clip of Farnsby plays, “Anytime Bad Karma bites one in the buttocks, the results are dire. In this case, the result was death.

Jeanie sighs, “Such a sad loss. We’ll have more from Fate at 10.”

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