Amethyst Frontier: Under Attack?
The bridge on The Karama was dimly lit as the ship’s engineer had ordered all non-essental systems down to conserve power. But with the ultra-modern, sleek looking Alliance ship looming on the viewscreen, the captain had ordered his crew to report any abnormal activity from yonder ship.
A blip shone on the sensor screen.
“New contact, captain,” the navigator said.
“The ship?” Vargus asked.
“Uncertan, sir, a probe maybe?”
The navigator adjusted the screen and it showed a most unusual sight.
“What are they doing?” the weapons officer wondered.
“They know something we don’t. I don’t believe they’re as weak as they say,”
“It will impact in 10 seconds. Is it an attack?” asked the nav-man.
“Not with their crewmen here,” Vargus deduced.
He clicked on a comm-button, “Security, where are our guests?”
“IN the brig talking to the puppets!”
“Post guards in Cargo Bay 3, then bring them to my ready-room,”
A pang rang through the hull as the probe struck the Karama harmlessly.
“Time for answers,”