Amethyst Frontier: Captain My Captain
The brig rang with some sort of impact. Locke spun to look at the russian.
“What was that?”
Karapanov shrugged, “Search me,” he said. “An impact of some kind,”
Bael, Tarn and their kinsmen cowered into a corner behind Jim Morris.
A crackle came from Locke’s comm-piece. She flipped it from her belt and activated it.
“This is captain Locke, respond!”
Captain? This is the Amethyst, can you read?
Commander, I have the captain,
Clean it up, said Frosty. Captain, Major Brill has given me some news that you may find interesting,
There was a crackle, “We, too, have news. The Karama is out of phase, caught in a phase wake.”
That is consistant with my findings said Dr. Brill.
“What do you have for me, Laura?” Locke wondered.
For the most part, Brill’s report was lost on the captain until the scientist’s report came to one word: Oxyriophine.
“Our puzzle is starting to make sense,” Locke said.
Watch your caboose, said Frosty, closing communication just as the brig door opened.