“Flight 817 to Atlanta, now boarding.”The intercom sounded. She got up and walked to the breezeway. Herdad had gotten her breezeway and first class on the flight just to be nice and because he could.Twilah was the first one to board the plane.”She sat by one of the windows. She stared out at the rising sun, and sighed.She turned her head as she felt someone sit next to her.A beautiful african american woman was sitting there.
“Hi, I’m Millie.”She said holding out her hand, and smiling. She took it and shook it lightly.
“Twilah.” Twilah said.
“What a pretty name!” She said kindly. She seemed to be in her early 20s.
“Thank you. I like yours too.”She said back.
“Thanks.” Her tone was sweet and gentle, as if she were talking to a child. Twilah smiled at her and then put her ear pieces in her ears and listened to her ipod.
Twilah sat there staring out of her window thinking about memories of her time at Cali with her dad. When someone’s face appeared in her head. Someone she hadn’t thought of in a while, Blake.