
Hadron's Folly.

December 12, 2012
“Dr. Reyes?”
The scientist looked up from his notepad, “Bill?” Reyes stood, taking the man’s hand.
“Doctor, I hear you’ve made a discovery!” Bill was the money behind the project, after the Geneva Crisis in Twenty-Ten.
“Umm, yes,”
“You don’t sound so sure!”
“Well,” Conrad Reyes took his glasses off, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’ve gone over the numbers a hundred times and it seems we were wrong,”
“Wrong? Wrong how?” Bill stuffed his hands in his pockets nervously.
“When we said firing protons into each other would not be dangerous; we were wrong. A hole is opening and we cannot stop it.” Dr. Reyes swallowed.
“Protons collide with other protons all the time in the upper-stratosphere. How can this be?”
“Controlled bursts within the same collider thousands of times a day, each one in a controlled space. A rift is opening,”
“A rift to where?”
Dr. Conrad Reyes hadn’t the time to answer as darkness filled the laboratory and swallowed Geneva within seconds.
They’d been wrong.

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